Prayer Huddle

Jesus Prayed as Was His Habit

Disciples prayed together

Elijah Prayed Earnestly

David Prayed Intimately

Esther and her People Prayed

Nehemiah Prayed for the CHurch

Ezra Prostrated and Prayed

What we do

We as the body of Christ connect together every night at 10:00 PM IST on Zoom and pray together for an hour. Our desire is to bring back this generation to the heart of prayer and hunger for God! Revival is now, so join as we seek God and pray like the disciples did together!

Join Now

In these days he went out to the mountain to pray, and all night he continued in prayer to God (Luke 6:12)

Prayer Request

Our God is the God of miracles!

The Word of God teaches us that we are to bear one another’s burdens. We can do this most effectively as we bring these burdens to the Lord in prayer.

Please take a moment to fill in the requested information and we would love to stand with you in prayer!



5 + 7 =

what They’re Saying

Look what the Lord

Has done!

I was struggling with a soul tie and as the Word of knowledge was spoken during the Prayer Huddle, I was completely set free!

Also, last year my family members was battling Covid and were hospitalised. During this time as I was praying I realised I had grown in my prayer level because of what I learnt at Prayer Huddle. I was praying from a different level at the feet of Jesus, completely at rest in him, without any fear. 

Praying with conviction and authority I declared LIFE in every cell & organ in their bodies and praise God, they recovered at a fast speed!


I’ve been very blessed by Pursue Him International ministry. 

I have been a regular attendee of the Prayer Huddle and it has challenged, inspired and encouraged me to look at things from a heavenly perspective. That has caused a ripple effect on my prayer life. 

I now go to Jesus, ask for solutions and pray the solutions instead of the problem!


In one of the Prayer Huddles, we were led to pray against abortion. As we were praying, we were simultaneously looking at the abortion stats at a site giving real time figures, and the clock was ticking every second.  

As we were praying, at one point we were amazed as we saw those numbers just stand still. Thinking it was a network issue, we checked the website on our phones and the numbers indeed remained still at that point. Praise be to God!


Jobin and Ria